That sweet girl that you met through a friend….well chances are that she isn’t as sweet as she seems. Nice, soft spoken, and with that country side girl look mean absolutely nothing. Not saying that she is a total level 4 Veteran but she most definitely is not that angel that she seems. No stranger to navigating around the dick whatsoever. Believe it. I’ve lived the stories; they sure do go to school or work at that great office job. What they aren’t telling you is that their juggling two dicks a week, and hungry for more. Let me make it more clear, hungry for more opportunities for either a better position at work or to get paid out a premium salary from a willing boyfriend.
So don’t think just because she works at the office or is a university student that the rules of the game don’t apply to her, these girls are resourceful and true capitalist. If you really step back and think about it they are very intelligent. They have realized their value in the hectic world of Saigon and have come to grips that they aren’t the 8,9, and 10’s that they see in the media. They have effectively removed themselves from the limelight meat market(clubs, bars, entertainment industry) and shifted towards markets where they can be successful! Sounds like some Warton MBA shit right? These girls are living it for real.
What’s a man to do in this situation? Play into them being sweet and nice, calling them out as a wolf in sheep's wool is just going to shoot you in the foot. Be kind to them and try not to think that after that movie date you two had she is getting plowed by some old fuck thats dropping more money than you. Don’t let your guard down and keep your head up for another day in battle. Recently I was caught in a situation of doubt. My good friend Hieu was the beacon of reality for me, he told me to snap out of it and realize it’s the same song but different verse. It seems like we’ve all lost hope for true love, you’re absolutely right. Now its all rock ‘n roll. I’m going all in.
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