Whenever I hear that phrase it always raises suspicions about the true identity of my female friend. To any person not-in-the-know it sounds like a pleasant vacation, which it could be. But over the course of 20 months here in Vietnam, I've heard numerous accounts from local verified-pros and close confidants the reasons behind "vacationing" in Singapore. Local sources and many news articles suggest that Vietnamese local women travel to Singapore to make quick money(1000USD-15000USD) because it requires no visa.
Last month two of my lady friends said they were traveling to Singapore, through deduction and my own methodology I realized they probably went to make it rich, but not through gambling...
Here are some keys things to note:
Length of Stay:
Singapore grants Vietnamese locals to stay for one month at a time. More than likely you're friend will tell you she is staying about a month to maximize her fixed costs; air fare and lodging.
English Ability:
It is widely known that Singapore predominantly speaks English, it sounds suspicious when your local friend can't even count in English and is staying a month in Singapore.
She looks the part:
If you met your lady friend in a club environment or through party friends, chances are is that she's heard of the riches to come out of Singapore through her close friends that work at New World Hotel's Catwalk Club.
Where she is staying:
She mentions Orchard Towers (Locals call this four floors of whores), Joo Chiat, or Geylang, which is synonymous for......quick cash.
Not every local Vietnamese girl that travels to Singapore is working pro, and if they are you can't blame them. The money there is just too good for a local princess to pass up. Next time you hear, "I'm going to Singapore," and have your suspicions give them a keen wink for me.
really? I wanna be rich, what's there to do in Singapore? i'm only a short plane ride away!