Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Tale of Jack and Wayne : Sweet Victory

Saigon is a very special place in that we get visitors from everywhere in the world stopping by at least once a year.  At our current rate for the house of 8000 Miles Later we average about two new guests coming into town every month.  Some come back for work and most of the time many guys come back to party their health away.  Regardless most of these guys are good buddies of ours, and most of the times they seek our advice at 8000 Miles later to streamline their game.
More often than not, we have visitors that come with the expectations that Vietnam was how they left it ten years ago.  They have high hopes of “free love” and bountiful/busty girls, but the stark reality hits them fast when they realize they are spending more money they budgeted for and their current female prospect is going nowhere.  Panic sets in and they get butt-hurt vowing to never return to Saigon.  Understandable in any point of view, and then we get to the other population.

On the flip side we have guys that are serious about their game, and most importantly serious about adapting their skills to getting girls in Vietnam.  These guys shine above the rest with great pickups using true skill rather than slapping hundred dollar bills on a prospects face.

Last month we had a set of guys come through.  To protect the identity of our brothers, we will name them Jack and Wayne.  Six months previous we had a great run with Wayne, a true brother ready and willing to submit, learn, and become a practitioner.  Fast forward, he came back to Vietnam with Jack with both their hopes on living in Saigon for two months with a mixture of work and play.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed Jack had high hopes of pulling stupid amounts of tail like back in the “old days.”  Three weeks into his trip he was met with disappointment and culture shock of dating in Vietnam (Tipping PR girls, karaoke hostess, and dealing with dumb non-responsive bitches).  Another statistic we all thought….until recently he had his first break, obviously with a lot of obstacles.

Jack and Wayne became regular patrons of a local live music bar near their house in Saigon.  They were drawn by the friendly patrons, interesting conversation, English songs, and great drinks. Not really.  They frequented this bar because they thought a lot of the bartenders at this establishment were cute and wanted to have a try at pulling one of them.  Jack selected his target and for three consecutive days came into the bar and partied away with his prospect (Thumbs up from 8000 Miles Later for showing true dedication and focus).  Through great rapport building Jack was able to coax his target to meet him outside of her work-place. They go through the normal motions of coffee dates.

One night Jack and Wayne called me up to ask if I wanted to hang out with his new prospect and some new belly dancer girls to eat seafood.  I kindly declined and went about my night as usual. Early in the night I get a text message from Wayne, pleading for me to come.  I came as soon as I could. I was greeted only by Wayne at seafood as the girls and Jack made their way over to Apocalypse club.  In the taxi , Wayne gave me a debriefing of the night’s interactions and hiccups.  To start off with Wayne was insulted by how ugly all the girls were.  I was offended that my friend Wayne was offended. I was upset.  Later he tells me that these bitches ordered up a storm of food and didn’t touch any of it, and that the bill came out to be three times more than a normal outing at this establishment.  The coup de grace of it all was that Jack’s girl was a controlling bitch and was dictating the night. I almost lost it.  Infuriated that these bitches thought they could take my buddies for a fucking ride, I was going to Apocalypse to meet this three headed hydra in the flesh.

Walking into the patio of monster’s den I was startled to see my friend and three bottles of pricey liquor.  Apocalypse is a shit-hole spectacle meant for times of quick chuckles and laughter, not for dropping real money on.  I like to call it the Razor Scooter, fun to take a ride on and laugh, but should never be caught being on one.  As I took a seat I was assaulted by ugly.  These girls were ugly personified, and their piss poor attitudes did not help either.

Wayne was committed to being at Apocolypse because he came with much needed bank roll for Jack to fund these bitches “fun night.”  He did mental calculations to figure how much three bottles of vodka would cost, and made the executive decision to send back the unopened bottles so that our drunken buddy Jack wouldn’t reap the repercussions of his folly.  He enlisted my help to talk to management while the three headed hydra went to the dance floor and capture other prey. After much convincing management agreed to send back the unopened bottles, Wayne and I were relieved to “save” our friend.

Upon coming back the main serpent realized that Wayne sent back the other bottles, and told our server to bring them back out because she wanted them.  Obviously she wasn’t paying for these bottles and second she gets a commission cut for bringing in customers into Apocalypse club.  I was stunned and I couldn’t do much, only Jack or Wayne could handle this situation. I did make it known that the place sucked and that we had bottles at other better places, it didn’t matter as it fell on deaf ears.  I was the only guy that night that talked back to her and her ugly friends, my work was done and Wayne and I were ready to leave.

The decision was to leave Jack was a sound decision to help him isolate his girl.  Victory came later that night as Jack was able to isolate his girl and punish her a record six times in 14 hours.  All the guys wished for massive internal bleeding, a sore vagina is most likely what happened.

Jack did the right moves at the right times and he was met with sweet victory.  It was a reminder to him and all of us that getting girls in Vietnam does take work and patience.  I am proud of these two guys, and hope to help them in their future endeavors of conquest.


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